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We offer a comprehensive set of covers, so you can be confident in protecting your business.

With our simple rating system, you can choose the covers you need and tailor your policy to what matters most.

You can choose from a range of options, such as the option to extend your business hours.

Our flexible payment options make it easy for you to stay on top of your business expenses.

What is a Commercial Insurance?

Commercial insurance is simply a way to ensure that your company is protected against accidents and other uncertainties of economic nature. Nowadays, markets go through major fluctuations that bring up the demand for special refinancing measures, sometimes also called insurance protection, by regulators. Such policies or ... loans will help stabilize any possible flow variations even in times of crisis or recession. In situations like these, businesspeople look forward to stabilization options and might be interested in getting a helping hand from their financial expert, who can help them decide what kind of cover should be taken. Many financial institutions and companies have launched their services with this goal in mind, providing different solutions for their customers' different wants and needs.

What are the different types of
commercial insurance policies?

Whether you run a small business or a large one, you need to make sure that you have the right type of insurance. Without commercial insurance, your business could be at risk. Check out the different types of commercial insurance that you can get online with a single click.

Property Insurance


Property Coverage: Property coverage refers to an insurance policy that helps protect a property owner from damages to his or her physical assets. When it comes to this type of insurance, the insurer agrees to make financial compensation for any losses incurred due to accidents such as fire, storms, vandalism, and much more.

Project Insurance


Project insurance is a type of insurance that protects the interests of investors. Typically, it is coverage purchased by construction companies to protect them against losses in the event a construction project is interrupted due to fire, flood, strike, or other delays. If the construction is delayed, the cost of the project will escalate. The cost of materials, labor, and other expenses will increase. The longer the project is delayed, the more money the company will lose—perhaps even going out of business. If a counterparty fails to perform adequately or shut down, construction companies can have liquidity problems. If a project is insured, the insurance company will help the company complete the project or receive a sum of money that will reimburse the company for its losses.

Marine Insurance


The marine cargo insurance policy deals with the coverage for risks and exposures associated with hazards that are likely to occur at any given time while supplies ebb and flow between the various operations located in the ports of one country to another.

Liability Insurance


Business Liability Insurance is aimed at large multinational companies and not-for-profit organizations looking at offsetting business risks globally. This insurance usually covers bodily or personal injury, product liability from clinical trials or during the manufacturing process, and infrastructure damage – these are just some of the broad categories that make up this type of policy.

Aviation Insurance


Aircraft Insurance: Sometimes referred to as an Air Craft or Aircraft policy, this type of insurance is used to protect aircraft. One might also use such policies to obtain protection against dangers that can potentially sink one's ship, such as policies pertaining to dangers arising from war and natural catastrophes. Crew members may qualify for any coverage depending on the particulars of the insurance purchased and will likely be determined by their status within the company they work with.

Vehicle Fleet Insurance


Fleet Insurance is similar to any other insurance, but it is specially designed for people who operate a fleet of vehicles. Fleet insurance covers all the vehicles in the fleet and covers a variety of possible damages. Fleet insurance is more often than not less expensive than a personal insurance policy because the insurance company only needs to cover a certain number of vehicles instead of every single vehicle that could potentially drive on the roads.

Business Interruption Insurance


Business interruption insurance or commercial property insurance is a special kind of property insurance. It helps you in the event of a disaster that destroys your property. Suppose you have a business or a property that is rented out. In that case, you should look into this cost-effective insurance. This insurance will cover all the costs you incur due to the property not being available to you. For example, suppose a disaster like fire destroys your property. In that case, the insurance company will cover your loss in revenue. It will also pay you for the reasonable expenses that you incur during your business interruption. This insurance is rather cheap, and you should definitely look into it if you have a business of your own.

Why Commercial Insurance

  • Offers the most competitive premium in the industry
  • A full range of coverage for your home, office, and possessions
  • An experienced team to help you when you need it most
  • Save time and money with a single, streamlined policy

Get answers to common questions about travel insurance policy

1. What are examples of commercial

Commercial insurance is a type of insurance that protects the business from a range of business-specific losses, including theft, fire, and storm damage. Commercial property insurance covers buildings and/or equipment and may also cover business-owned vehicles. Equipment coverage may include computers, servers, office equipment, warehouse equipment, and other specialized equipment. Commercial auto insurance covers vehicles owned by businesses, includes business-related vehicles such as delivery vans, and may also include leased vehicles.

2. What are commercial insurance and
its types?

Commercial insurance is a type of insurance specifically designed for businesses looking to protect assets from damage or loss. Business assets vary from office furniture to cash in an office's bank account, but they all fall under the scope of commercial insurance. Commercial insurance is unique in that it can be tailored to fit a company's specific needs, whether it be coverage for one building or a corporate-wide policy.

The types of commercial insurance are liability insurance, aviation insurance, marine insurance, automobile insurance, and more.

3. What does a commercial insurance
policy cover?

Commercial insurance policies are meant for businesses, sole proprietors, and partnerships. The business owner is insured against financial losses and damages that may occur from external sources. This includes business interruption and liability. The type of commercial insurance coverage depends upon the type of business you own. For instance, health insurance is not a common form of business insurance coverage for the professional service sector.

4. Can you have 2 commercial

As a commercial policyholder, it is important to have a valid, adequate, and sufficient insurance policy to meet the possible risks of your business. Insurance is a contract between the policyholder and the insurance company and is there to ensure that both parties benefit from the contract. In most cases, an insurance policy can be transferred from one insurance company to another. There are no set rules on how many policies you can have. All policies are different, so check with your insurer before taking out a new policy.

5. I have a small tea shop. Can I get commercial insurance
for my shop?

It's a good idea to insure your business – such as your tea shop – to protect yourself against various risks. You can also purchase a policy that covers both your business and personal property. Protecting yourself is important, because the last thing you want to do is to get caught without the insurance you need when something bad happens to your business. For example, say someone finds their way into your shop, and they slip on a puddle of water in the middle of the floor. If you're not insured, and this person decides to sue you for their injuries, then you and your business are in a lot of trouble.

6. What things to check before getting commercial

Here are some things to check before getting a policy:

1. Coverage: The first thing to check is the coverage provided. Always look for even smaller details regarding the coverage terms.

2. Exclusions: Read the exclusions of the policy to see what is specific to your business.

3. Age of the policy: You should make sure that the age of the policy is not very low. Your business may not be very profitable in the initial years, but you should make sure that you are covered for those initial years.

4. Claims record: You should read the claims history of the insurance company. This will help you decide whether to continue with the current insurer or look for a new one.


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