What is Personal Accident Insurance

Personal accident insurance" is an insurance policy that compensates an insured person for some specified expenses incurred on account of accidental injuries caused to them. It protects the policyholder in case of accidental injury but does not cover death. Insurance companies offer insurance policies with varying coverage. As your family's primary breadwinner, it is important to protect your loved ones in the case of an unfortunate ... event. Personal accident insurance allows you to collect a lump sum of compensation all at once so that you can compensate for some of the sudden expenditures that result during and after a potentially life-changing accident or illness.

What is covered by Personal Insurance Policy?

Get to know what is covered and not covered in our personal accident insurance policy. Included:

  • Accidental Death:
    Accidental death is an incident that leads to the loss of life of a person. By law, it is the death of a person who dies as a result of an accident as opposed to death by natural causes.
  • Permanent Total Disability:
    Permanent total disability is a disabling injury or sickness that prevents a person from working again. Those which caused by accidents are covered in this insurance plan.
  • Bone break:
    The term accidentally broken bones refer to a compound fracture, which is a break in the bone caused by an outside force. The degree of break may vary from a small crack to a complete break in the bone.
  • Burns:
    Accidental burns are usually the result of a fire or explosion. Those caused by accidents would be covered in this insurance plan.
  • Ambulance costs:
    The ambulance costs from the site of injury to the nearest hospital would be covered in the personal accident insurance.
  • Hospital Cash:
    Treating your accidental injuries in hospitals can be like burning your cash reserves. Fortunately, we also cover your hospital bills in case of any accidents, so you focus only on your recovery.
  • Adventure or dangerous sports injuries
  • Self-inflicted injuries
  • War
  • Defense activities participation
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Obesity treatment


Paris is the capital of France.

Claim Steps

It’s as easy as
  • 1


  • 2

    Provide relevant documents

  • 3

    Money transfer

Why buy Personal Accident Insurance?

Choose from a wide range of add-ons when buying Personal Accident Insurance plan online.

1. Round-the-clock Insurance Coverage

We ensure you are protected 24 hours a day - even beyond the hour hand's tick-tock, since there is usually more than enough to keep up with during the daytime hours.

2. Covers Age 18-70 Years

We care for your parents cares. We extend our support by covering the parents & grandparents of your parents covered at no cost, in addition to many elderly disabled people!

3. Worldwide Coverage

We provide you with worldwide coverage. No matter where in the world they are located, we'll make sure to get insurance coverage for any personal accidents.

4. Lifelong renewal

For lifelong policies, you get the option when your age tics higher to renew your policy at a later stage.

5. Free cancellation

We want you to be happy. If you aren't, we can cancel the policy free of charge for you if you decide to leave.

Get answers to common questions about personal insurance policy

1. What are the benefits payables under the personal accident

A personal accident policy is a type of insurance policy that will pay the policyholder in case of accidental death or disablement. The policyholder is covered for accidents that occur during a certain time period and in a certain area. This coverage is parametric and is not dependent on the value of any underlying property or savings. The benefits payable under the insurance policy are an accident death benefit, accident disablement benefit, accidental medical expenses, travel emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of mortal remains, accidental dismemberment, and accidental medical expenses.

2. How many members can be included under the personal accident insurance
family plan?

A person can insure a maximum of two members under a family plan. This is very good news for those who are thinking of buying insurance. They can save more money by buying insurance together.

3. Can I include my parents in the personal accident

In India, you can include your parents in your personal accident insurance, just for their travel with your car. So, suppose you or your parents are driving a car, and are covered under an insurance policy. In that case, you can easily get the insurance company to include your parents as a third party in the policy. This will cost you a little extra, but it is well worth it, especially if you are young and at a higher risk of being involved in a road accident.

4. What is the definition of dependent child in

Insurance policies usually have rules that restrict coverage as the family structure changes. In general, a dependent child is a child under the age of 18, or a full time student up to the age of 23. Any child over this age is no longer covered under the family policy and must have his or her own policy. The dependent child's age can be known by checking the written terms of the insurance policy. Suppose the child has a serious illness or accident. In that case, many insurance companies will usually allow coverage to continue beyond the age of 23. The insurance company will also not limit the number of dependent children that are covered under the family policy. Children adopted after the policy was originally issued will not qualify as dependent children, but will qualify for coverage under the family plan if the adoption is finalized before the age of 18.

5. Is there any age limit to avail the personal accident insurance

The age limits for taking personal accident policy differ from one policy to the other. In general the policy starts at the age of 18 and up to the age of 60 or 65. Personal accident insurance policies are considered the back-up insurance policy. They cover you in the case of death, disability, and hospitalization. If you take any medical insurance, you need to go for personal accident insurance. So, the insurance companies will generally ask you to take the personal accident insurance policy with them.

6. How do I make a claim to the personal accident

Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) is issued by the insurance company and is mandatory for all employees, i.e., both regular and contractual. This insurance ensures that your family will get the insurance amount or any lump sum specified in the policy. Suppose you have become disabled after the accident (due to an injury). In that case, the insurance company pays money to you and your family to cover the expenses of your treatment and losses due to disability. If you are making a claim against the insurance company, then you need to fill an intent to claim form. Then, you need to file the police complaint within 3 days of the incident.

7. What kinds of injuries are covered in personal accident

Personal accident insurance covers a lot of injuries that are commonly encountered in the daily lives of people. These injuries include accidental damage to eyes or teeth, loss of limbs, paralysis, etc. that's why it is also known as special insurance. It also covers the damage to your vehicle in case the other party was not at fault. Most personal accident insurances cover medical expenses, loss of income, and funeral expenses in case of death. This coverage is not generally given in regular car insurance policies.


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